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Search results: (271 matches)
Office applications Should I get Office 2013 or Office 2010? How big? ...ote: Wordfast classic
won't work with Open Office's word processor and
their equivalent, Anaphraseus, won't handle big
TMs. [/quote] How big is big? Can you prove
your statemen...
esperantisto Aug 5, 2013
Office applications Should I get Office 2013 or Office 2010? You are welcome to come over and look... ...ote: Wordfast classic won't work
with Open Office's word processor and their
equivalent, Anaphraseus, won't handle big TMs.
[/quote] How big is big? Can you prove your
Terry Richards Aug 5, 2013
Czech Následná editace strojového překladu Výběr a editace z nabídek překladu
21/cs/00.html Výběr a editace z nabídek
překladu MetaTexis, (Wordfast), Anaphraseus,
PC Translator, OmegaT, Virtaal Nejjednodušší
hesla jsou nejčastějším ...
Milan Condak Aug 21, 2013
Italian Scadenza licenza Wordfast ...licenza. Forse mi è scaduta? Boh! Aspetto vostri
consigli e notizie. Al momento sto usando
Anaphraseus. Grazie Cinzia
Cinzia Pasqualino Sep 12, 2013
Italian Scadenza licenza Wordfast controlla la tua versione scaricata ...licenza. Forse mi è scaduta? Boh!
Aspetto vostri consigli e notizie. Al momento sto
usando Anaphraseus. Grazie Cinzia [/quote]
Dragomir Kovacevic Sep 13, 2013
Czech Překladače Apertium: Polsko-český překladač ...4. trunk: Released language
pairs Překladač Apertium umí vyžívat i
OmegaT. OmegaT a Anaphraseus mohou používat
webové překladače, které jsou ve stádiu
"trunk". Jazyk...
Milan Condak Sep 16, 2013
Machine Translation (MT) Any freeware desktop translators for paid Google service? Anaphraseus? BTW, why not use Anaphraseus? It’s not exactly
like paste-and-get-it-translated, you’ll need to
run through the text and then clean up, but it can
use Google Translate.
esperantisto Oct 30, 2013
Wordfast support WF Classic + free Office? Nope license, yet want to use a WFC-like CAT
tool in a Word-like word processor, you can use
Dominique Pivard Dec 22, 2013
Wordfast support Working offline Try free software such as OmegaT, Anaphraseus. esperantisto Jan 5, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help inexpensive CAT tools More suggestions Free tools: 1. OmegaT 2. Anaphraseus Under
€100: 1. CafeTran 2. Metatexis One more
option: Wordfast, since there is no time limit on
the use of its demo versions (Classic a...
Diana Coada (X) Jan 11, 2014
Office applications Libre Office and CAT tool? Anaphraseus ...t Classic but for Libre Office. If
not, maybe for Open Office? Regards,
[/quote] Anaphraseus should work for you
Riccardo Schiaffino Mar 14, 2014
Office applications Libre Office and CAT tool? Anaphraseus I tried Anaphraseus and found it has a rather
severe limitation on TM size. I regularly use
million entry TMs for a couple of clients and
Anaphraseus runs out of memory trying to load
Terry Richards Mar 17, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Choosing a CAT tool for the first time Two aspects ...ironment - such as pre-Studio versions of
Trados (no longer available), Wordfast Classic or
Anaphraseus - are in my opinion vastly superior to
standalone tools. On the other hand, in t...
Anton Konashenok Apr 2, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Choosing a CAT tool for the first time For the sake of objectivity ...slation Editor run under Linux
and MacOS. All three programs are in Java, just
like OmegaT. Anaphraseus also runs (in Apache
OpenOffice/LibreOffice). And using Crossover
Linux, you can...
esperantisto Apr 3, 2014
Wordfast support demo version not working No Wordfast Classic works with Microsoft Office only.
With LibreOffice, you might want to try
Anaphraseus. It uses the sane TM and glossary
formats as WF and features a similar workflow.
esperantisto Nov 1, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Сould you recommend any translation memory freeware similar to TRADOS? Or try Anaphraseus ...of it, and it doesn't cost the earth either if you
do decide to keep it. [/quote] Or try
Anaphraseus, free, but for OpenOffice/LibreOffice
instead of MS
Word. http://anaphraseus....
2nl (X) Jan 25, 2015
Getting established CAT software for start-up - advice needed Experiment with open source software ...about how to use their features to make your
life easier. As a student, I used OmegaT and
Anaphraseus, which had totally different
interfaces and ways to store and import TMs and
Alina Karakanta Mar 3, 2015
Czech Rok 2014 jsem daňově vykázal elektronicky Protokol není nářek ...CAT
toolem [/quote] Většinou dobře.
Potřebujete proškolit Wordfast, MetaTexis,
Anaphraseus nebo OmegaT? Studio SDL Trados
nepoužívám a neškolím. Kontaktujte mě
Milan Condak May 10, 2015
Czech Doporučte CAT pro překlad velkých souborů Výběr vhodného CAT ...ích
značek). Jako zdrojový dokument by šlo použít
formát ODT a pro překlad použít Anaphraseus v
OpenOffice. Častější metodou je použít
CAT, který ponechá zdrojový...
Milan Condak Jun 16, 2015
Czech Doporučte CAT pro překlad velkých souborů ... ...ích
značek). Jako zdrojový dokument by šlo použít
formát ODT a pro překlad použít Anaphraseus v
OpenOffice. Častější metodou je použít
CAT, který ponechá zdrojový...
SwitCHenkA Jun 22, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help A good, easy, free tool for a smallish glossary for long novel? OmegaT can work with .docx ...ically needed. There is
a CAT tool working as a an add-on to OpenOffice,
it's called
project/anaphraseus Didier
Didier Briel Jul 27, 2015
Translator resources Comprehensive list of translation memory (TM) file formats For the beginning... 1. Across & Across personal edition
(freeware) 2. Alchemy Catalyst 3. Anaphraseus
(open source - based on OpenOffice macro set, so
you require
OpenOffice) 4. AnyMem 5. Cafetran 6....
Stepan Konev Oct 7, 2015
Translator resources Comprehensive list of translation memory (TM) file formats @Kevin .../>also be included, right? I know of the Trados
2007 dialect, the Wordfast dialect and the
Anaphraseus dialect (they all share nearly
identical marking delimiters). Then some CAT
Samuel Murray Oct 7, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help What are the best free CAT tools for beginners? Wf Anywhere & Anaphraseus ... what can be done in a browser.
If your internet connection isn't that good,
I'd advise Anaphraseus
( ). Very good
and free. Samuel: [quote]...
2nl (X) Nov 30, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help What are the best free CAT tools for beginners? About Across ...6.3 (Basic), its free and standalone. The
activation process seems to be something new. For
Anaphraseus (Open Office or Libre Office), similar
to WordFast Classic, don't forget to show the...
Platary (X) Nov 30, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help What are the best free CAT tools for beginners? Segmentation is even easier & more intuitive in Felix ..., you
really want to work in Word, you don't want to do
it half way (like Wordfast Classic, Anaphraseus,
MetaTexis and LogiTerm — the other Word-based
CAT tools). That is, you don't ...
Michael Beijer Nov 30, 2015
Italian Trados, sempre e solo Trados!!! Trados!!! ... [/quote] Grazie per avermi
risposto. Non ho mai usato Trados. Ho sempre usato
Omega T e Anaphraseus. Userò Trados il giorno che
sarà open source :-) !! Cioè mai!
Cinzia Pasqualino Jan 10, 2016
Italian Trados, sempre e solo Trados!!! Suicidio professionale ... [/quote] Grazie
per avermi risposto. Non ho mai usato Trados. Ho
sempre usato Omega T e Anaphraseus. Userò Trados
il giorno che sarà open source :-) !! Cioè mai!
[/quote] Tr...
Domenico Trimboli Jan 10, 2016
Linux OS / Free software Moving to Unix ... first one but is there a "proper"
CAT tool available for any variety of Unix? I have
tried Anaphraseus in Open Office and it chokes on
the size of TM that I use on a daily
basis. M...
Terry Richards Feb 12, 2016
Linux OS / Free software Moving to Unix CafeTran runs nicely on Linux ... first one
but is there a "proper" CAT tool available for any
variety of Unix? I have tried Anaphraseus in Open
Office and it chokes on the size of TM that I use
on a daily basis. M...
Michael Beijer Feb 13, 2016
CAT Tools Technical Help Converting 2-column list to glossary No need in any tool ...
programs can use tab-delimited text files as
glossaries directly (just to add: OmegaT,
Anaphraseus), others can import them by an
established procedure using a built-in tool or
esperantisto Mar 11, 2016
CAT Tools Technical Help CATs that allow disabling of segmentation Segmentation in Felix ..., you
really want to work in Word, you don't want to do
it half way (like Wordfast Classic, Anaphraseus,
MetaTexis and LogiTerm — the other Word-based
CAT tools). That is, you don't ...
CafeTran Training (X) Jun 18, 2016
Across support Across is no longer free Free CAT tools Works in MS
Word: Felix: Works in
OpenOffice/LibreOffice: Anaphraseus:
CafeTran Training (X) Jul 9, 2016
Across support Across is no longer free Similar to Across Works in MS
Word: Felix: Works in
OpenOffice/LibreOffice: Anaphraseus:
[/quote] Thank you so much. Do you know...
nhceviri Jul 9, 2016
Office applications Libre Office and CAT tool? Nope ...u work in CafeTran, but you can
export to OOo, and use some of the features of
OOo. I think Anaphraseus is a good suggestion,
perhaps the only one. On the other hand, I also
think Cafe...
Meta Arkadia Jul 11, 2016
CAT Tools Technical Help Customization of Segmentation (all tools) OmegaT and Anaphraseus ... tabs and no for paragraph breaks
(paragraphs are the largest possible translation
units). Anaphraseus: segments can be expanded
both over tabs and paragraph breaks (in the latter
esperantisto Nov 23, 2016
Italian Unire memorie di traduzione con Anahpraseus Buongiorno a tutti, Vi chiedo se è possibile
unire delle memorie di traduzione con
Anaphraseus. Grazie Cinzia
Cinzia Pasqualino Jan 10, 2017
Italian Unire memorie di traduzione con Anahpraseus PlusTools di Wordfast oppure Olifant .../index.html Olifant
funziona con formati TMX e WfClassic, questi due
sono utilizzabili con Anaphraseus. Per una più
completa funzionalità, ti consiglierei il CAT
OpenSource e gra...
Dragomir Kovacevic Jan 10, 2017
Italian Funzionalità cat tools: Anaphraseus ed Omega T ...ra, vorrei chiedervi un aiuto tecnico
riguardo i cat tool. Come avrete capito si tratta
di Anaphraseus ed Omega T. Fino a ieri non ho
avuto alcun problema con entrambi, invece ora non
Cinzia Pasqualino Feb 23, 2017
Italian Funzionalità cat tools: Anaphraseus ed Omega T Non dipende tanto dai CATs ... se LibreOffice/OOo mi avesse mai
funzionato con JRE più affamato di risorse, a 64
bit. Anaphraseus per sé non è un CAT molto
completo, si "impunta" e si guasta tutto, anche
Dragomir Kovacevic Feb 23, 2017
Italian Funzionalità cat tools: Anaphraseus ed Omega T Java ... se LibreOffice/OOo mi avesse mai
funzionato con JRE più affamato di risorse, a 64
bit. Anaphraseus per sé non è un CAT molto
completo, si "impunta" e si guasta tutto, anche
Cinzia Pasqualino Feb 24, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help The best and easiest CatTool for Mac users to start with? Anaphraseus Anaphraseus is an OpenOffice extension. Probably,
the simplest CAT tool that one can imagine.
esperantisto Jun 11, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help The best and easiest CatTool for Mac users to start with? Still being developed? [quote]esperantisto wrote: Anaphraseus is an
OpenOffice extension. Probably, the simplest CAT
tool that one can imagine. [/quote] Is it still
actively being developed? Does it also w...
CafeTran Training (X) Jun 11, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help The best and easiest CatTool for Mac users to start with? Not developed but works ...loped but still
works at least in LO under Linux, thus,
should work under MacOS too.
esperantisto Jun 11, 2017
Trados support Anyone has purchased only SDL MultiTerm but not the SDL Studio suite? Alternatives ...sense. Also, there are free alternatives out
there. Just to name a couple, you could use
Anaphraseus (an OpenOffice extension, at ) or Xbench
Mirko Mainardi Sep 25, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help Minimalist CAT tools? Anaphraseus Anaphraseus was inspired by Wordfast Classic, and
it is even simpler.
esperantisto Dec 11, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help Minimalist CAT tools? Thanks to all! ... used it
in a distant past. I'll experiment for a few
weeks with all these: - OmegaT - Anaphraseus -
CafeTran Espresso - Wordfast (both Pro and
Classic) @Samuel: my bad, I sa...
Daniel Frisano Dec 11, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help LIST OF CAT TOOLS list so far (updated again): Across AidTrans Studio Alchemy
Catalyst Anaphraseus (open source - based on
OpenOffice macro set, so you require OpenOffice) @ AnyMem (from
Michael Beijer Dec 31, 2017
Czech DGT-OmegaT a DGT-Wizard zdarma pro každého Potvrzení dobré volby a nové možnosti ...bází. Zatím jsem se dočetl, že
TM je možno ukládat i ve formátu, který
používá Anaphraseus (textový soubor, který
má stejnou strukturu jako TM Wordfastu Classic //
v k�...
Milan Condak Jan 22, 2018
CAT Tools Technical Help the best and easiest CAT for the newbie Sentences, phrases, words, letters... ...>works fine and can process PDF and other formats.
There's a free cross-platform OmegaT and
Anaphraseus too. There're will be far too many
suggestions, so just check how it looks and fe...
DZiW (X) Apr 18, 2018

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